a 6 month liberation journey to reclaim your sensuality
and embody your most alive, authentic self

Reclaim her and find out what it means to be completely filled up with all the goodness, magic and abundance that life wants to shower you with.

Your sensual self is dripping in anticipation to show you the way to more presence, satisfaction and connection in your life.

I know what it is like to yearn for more from life and for yourself. To feeling resigned to living a semi-satisfying existence where only certain parts of yourself are allowed to show up.
I also know what it is like to ignite the passion within my womb, radically reclaim my own pleasure and wildness, and shamelessly embody the fullness of my expression…
It’s pure freedom.

For years I felt like I was living on the sidelines of my own life.
Deep down I could feel the wild woman within me who wanted to move, sing and dance freely... but she remained obediently caged for fear of being too much.
I was caught between feeling ashamed about my sexual nature in certain moments while in others, trying to be the perfect, sexually liberated "cool girl" for men.
I was proud of the fact that I could "have sex like a man", watching porn and going after orgasms like checking goals off a list.
Despite seeming free on the outside... I always felt like there was something was missing.
Inside, I was actually totally disembodied and disconnected from the power, truth and desire that lived within my own womb center.
It was only once I found holistic pelvic practices and womb work that I began to find my way back to my sensual self in a way that felt innocent, divine and purely for me.
As I explored this space and came back to embodied pleasure, I unwound generations of patterns in my pelvis that told me my body was not my own and that my sexuality was dirty.
I liberated myself with every touch, every movement, every sound.
I re-met all the bold, ‘too much’ parts of me, reclaiming them fully and rooting back into my wild innocence and innate wholeness.
I finally felt ALIVE.

Life began to feel juicy, deeply satisfying, and blissfully on purpose.
I began to live an Erotic Existence

This is not just about “being sexy”…
It’s about being turned on by ALL of life and in sacred union with the pulse that moves through everything
Being rooted in your wild innocence and wholeness and trusting the wisdom of your desire, pleasure and sensuality
Expressing your full self with ease in a way that feels deeply embodied, true and freeing
Reclaiming your sensuality and sexuality as (w)holy YOURS and becoming a force of power, fully sovereign in your own body
Being deeply nourished with what your soul truly craves and reclaiming pleasure in all its forms without shame or guilt
Luxuriating in all of the goodness, abundance, and magic that is available to you in every moment

"To be fully alive in every dimension of your life is what it means to live an erotic life."


Rooting into safety in the sensual body

Embodied presence within ourselves

Increasing capacity for pleasure
Healing and letting go of what is not serving

Feeling fully free to be your most sensual, wild, alive self

Since our session, my creative energy opened up a lot and my desire to write and play guitar feels so much more urgent. That in itself feels like coming home. There’s also been a confidence shift: I feel more equipped to advocate for my own path, to affirm it for myself. The realization in the dream journey that I might just want the simple things in life: to love hard, to create, to have community… an erotic existence. That has been really powerful. Again, all of this feels like coming home. These are things I knew as a child about myself and I’m fascinated with the connections between the dream journey we took and the beliefs I held so strongly and innately growing up.